Lignite sales
Information about public lignite sales!

MVM Mátra Energia Zrt. hereby informs its customers that public sales of lignite for cash has been terminated on sites of both Visonta and Bükkábrány, but the company is committed to providing cheap fuel for the public. Therefore it provides the opportunity of lignite sales for retailers through its contracted partners.


Distributors of lignite from Visonta:

Fecske Tüzép Kft Újszász

Ficzek Tüzép Kft Jászárokszállás

Kovács Tüzép Kft Heves

Loading 2005 Kft (national delivery)

Szlovencsák László private enterpriser

Téba Tüzép Kft Jászapáti

Zalka Tüzép Kft Heves

Zelhaus Kft Jobbágyi

Fuel quality:

Fraction size (> 85 %) 40-350 mm
Calorific value 7000 – 8250 kJ/Kg
Moisture 48-52 %
Ash content 6-16 %
Sulphur content      1,22-1,30 %


The service for contractual partners is continuous.

Fuel quality:

Fraction size (> 80 %) 40-350 mm
Calorific value 8000 – 9400 kJ/Kg
Moisture 47-52 %
Ash content 9-16 %
Sulphur content      1,4-2,2%

Coal analysis and determination of quality data were performed by the accredited test laboratory registered at NAH-1-1385/2016.

Use, storage: Store in dry, cool places! Fuel can be optimally used in regularly maintained boilers, combustion equipments with good ventilation chimney.

In the event of consumer dispute, complaints can be submitted to the competent appeals authority, conciliation body of the place of residence at the following link: