Energy efficiency

In full awareness of our country’s secure energy supply and its responsibility for environmental protection, MVM Mátra Energia Zrt. pays special attention to the energy efficiency. On the one hand, it strives to achieve this during the extraction, transport and transformation of the energy of its fuel, the generation of electricity. It strives to excavate the lignite used for electricity generation, then to transport it into the power plant with as little energy as possible, and to make the most valuable kind of energy of it, the electricity in the most economical way possible.

Furthermore, the company considers it important to spread the energy and environment-conscious approach among its employees and those interested in the company's activities, therefore draws attention to the website of the Hungarian Energy and Public Utility Regulatory Authority developed on the basis of law, which contains much useful information to help increase energy efficiency.

The Government of Hungary strives to achieve end-use energy savings of 1.5% per year at national level by 2020 among other things through policy measures defined by law. And until 31 December 2030, by the end of the so-called second commitment period, we should achieve cumulative energy savings of 0.8% per year at national level compared to the average final energy consumption of the base years 2016, 2017 and 2018. The Energy Efficiency Act and the related legislation - which also determine obligations and opportunities for large companies - have been adapted to this end.

MVM Mátra Energia Zrt. is tries to contribute to the achievement of the national targets by implementing energy efficiency improvement measures in its own responsibility, to increase the efficiency of energy management by grouping them according to the three sub-areas defined by the legislation - buildings, activities, transport.

Lighting modernization was an energy efficiency improvement activity in the sub-area of the buildings. For the months of January - July 2021, 829 MWh/year = 2985.65 GJ/year were expected to be saved from the replaced lighting fixtures, which results in a reduction of 812 t CO2/year emissions in the power plant.

Related document:

Relevant legislation:

[1] Act LVII of 2015 on energy efficiency

[2] Government decree 122/2015. (V. 26.) on the implementation of act on energy efficiency

[3] Decree of the Hungarian Energy and Public Utility Regulatory Authority (MEKH) 1/2017. (II. 16.) on provision of information of energy auditors and energy audit organizations and on the annual reporting duties of intermediate bodies,

[4] Decree of the Hungarian Energy and Public Utility Regulatory Authority (MEKH) 2/2017. (II. 16.) on procedure for provision of data on the energy consumption and energy savings of large companies and companies obliged to employ energy specialist

[5] Act LXXXI of 1996 on corporate tax and dividend tax

[6] Government decree 176/2017. (VII. 4.) on rules for the implementation of the tax incentive for investment in energy efficiency Organizations performing energy audits, energy services, designated or accredited on the basis of separate legislation:

Hungarian Chamber of Engineers

Information on activities of energy policy officers:

Support schemes / Energy efficiency:

Recommendations on energy saving in households and offices:

Energy labelling systems for products:


Energy efficiency obligation schemes (EEOS):