In 2006 the management of Mátrai Erőmű Zrt. made a decision about the exploitation of other brown and green-field sites, as newer companies expressed their wishes to establish their production plants right next to the power plant on the basis of existing business relationships. These companies intended to base their establishment partly to use the available cheap energy and infrastructure, partly to utilise the by-products of power plant operation as well as the biomass co-firing projects.
In 2007 our Company applied for and won the title industrial park called Mátrai Erőmű Ipari Park (Mátra Power Plant Industrial Park).
The territory of Mátra Power Plant Industrial Park administratively belongs partly to Visonta, and partly to Halmajugra municipalities. It is bordered on the north-east by the reservoir of Markaz, on the east by agricultural area belonging to the municipality of Markaz, on the south by landscaped mining area returned to agricultural cultivation, and on the west by forest area and vineyards planted on landscaped mine-dumps belonging to the municipality of Visonta.
The total area of the defined industrial park consists of 244 ha core area and 15 ha development area.
Apart from electricity, steam, REA gypsum, industrial and drinking water are supplied, and building and land leasing services are offered in the industrial park zone by the maintainer, MVM Mátra Energia Zrt.
Related document:
Mátra Power Plant Industrial Park 2023.06.21
Our partners using services on the territory of Mátra Power Plant Industrial Park:
Members of the industrial park:
- ERGO Med Kft.
- MÁTRAI Heg.techn. és Szakképz. Kft.
- MVM Mátra Gép Kft.
- Prompt 94 Kft.
- Saint-Gobain Hungary Kft.
- XELLA Kft.
Other partners – not members of the industrial park:
- BIS Hungary Kft.
- Kft.
- Deri-Clean Kft.
- D-Kran Kft.
- Erőtech Kft.
- FGSZ Zrt.
- Gyöngyösi Kígyó Gyógyszertár Bt.
- Volánbusz Zrt.
- Loading 2005 Kft.
- Magyar Telekom Nyrt.
- Cereal Kft.
- Quali-Top.Kft.
- RR 2002 Kft.
- CETIN H Zrt.
- Vala - Tech Kft.
- Viresol Kft.
- Vodafone Magyarország Zrt.
- MVM Mátrai Mélyépítő Kft.
- Inter-Metál Kft.
- Terra Bau Kft.
- MMV Magyar Magánvasút Zrt.
- Mátra Energia Horgászegyesület